Monday, 27 May 2013

Glastonbury - A Kind of Magic

Out from the Darkness - Badger Glastonbury drawing
© Angela Cutler. Out from the darkness, May 2013 
Anyone who has visited Glastonbury, UK, knows it's a spiritual mecca for an eclectic mix of everyone for many centuries. The history of the area goes far back in time to prehistory and myth. There are links to King Arthur who is said to be buried in the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey which is now remains in ruins - how true that is I don't know, but it's always been good for the tourist trade. Other myths say that Joseph of Arimathea visited the Isle of Avalon (Glastonbury) and stuck his staff into the ground so that every year an unusual thorn bush blooms out of season. There's long been a reverence to female Goddess power linking it to the landscape and two famous springs adjacent to each other flow with red iron infused water and the other with fresh clear mineral water.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

A Zen Inspired Logo

So I hope you have noticed the header for my blog with its new logo for Soul's HeART. What else could I design except a zen-inspired circle. The circle is such a universal symbol of life, of the Universe, of wholeness, unity and of something without beginning or end. I try and paint from a place of feeling hence the heart, so I blended the two together to create my new logo.

Friday, 17 May 2013

The Kimpton Art Fair and is Art Fair?

The art fair had some notable local and regional artists and some of the pieces were very obviously professional artists and their reputation well deserved. Other art pieces were by keen and enthusiastic amateurs and it's good to see that they supported the local community and weren't put off by thinking their art was not deserving enough to be there.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

So I've started...

So Blogging is one of those activities and social media things I said I would never do...well, what's the point I thought. What do I have to say? Well, I don't know is the answer. But as a developing artist and illustrator, I do want to share with you what I'm doing, what I'm working on, my pictures with you, my interests and maybe a few art and design tips. So...we will see what develops over time. Watch this space as they say! And yes, that's me Angela Cutler, below. Why am I standing in a graveyard?